
首页 - 全部文章 - 资讯 - Broad研究所代表团来华!“2018 GATK中国社区活动周”暨“BROAD中国培训交流周”活动即将来袭

Broad研究所代表团来华!“2018 GATK中国社区活动周”暨“BROAD中国培训交流周”活动即将来袭

自2016年6月成立至今,“Intel BioIT Partners”(英特尔精准医疗伙伴计划)成员群体一直在持续扩大、围绕国内精准医疗计算领域的创新合作也日益在加强,尤其在精准医疗软件、人工智能应用、云计算、基因分析一体机、以及可扩展的数据中心解决方案等多个方面取得了可喜的进展。


日前,测序中国得到一个好消息:2018年4月2日—4月10日, Broad研究所的数据科学平台部门将派出一个4人的代表团访问北京及深圳,并将在英特尔及阿里云等合作伙伴的共同组织支持下,举办为期九天的“2018 GATK中国社区活动周”暨“BROAD中国培训交流周”活动。

活动周的重点之一是向中国基因组和精准医疗领域的客户提供最新版本的基因组分析软件GATK4及WDL/Cromwell等工具的面对面培训,以及基于GATK标准流程的博德-英特尔基因组分析解决方案(Broad-Intel Genomics Stack, BIGStack)的介绍。培训为时4天,主要为英文授课,将面向全国所有GATK用户以及对基因组分析兴趣浓厚的业内人士,培训完成可获得由GATK中国社区颁发的GATK4培训认证证书。



1. 北京:北京大学/中国科学院北京基因组研究所/北京地区重要客户和合作伙伴

2. 深圳:华大基因/国家基因库/腾讯公司/深圳地区重要客户和合作伙伴




1. 所有报名参加者需要自带笔记本电脑。

2. 因名额有限,采取先到先得原则,所有报名参加者需要经过主办方确认。

3. 此次培训为持续4个整天偏技术培训,如无特殊原因,请勿缺席。如您缺席,将无法获得GATK4培训认证证书,也将影响您将来参加GATK中国社区组织的相关活动。


Geraldine A. Van der Auwera

Associate Director of Outreach and Communications in the Data Sciences Platform

Geraldine Van der Auwera directs outreach and communication efforts to the global scientific research community on behalf of the Data Sciences Platform (DSP) at the Broad Institute. Her team's efforts include technical support, documentation, social media presence and user education events for users of software produced in DSP. This includes GATK, the Broad's industry- leading toolkit for variant discovery analysis; Cromwell/WDL, an increasingly popular open- source pipelining solution; and FireCloud/Workbench, a cloud-based analysis platform that integrates computational resources, methods repository and data management in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Danielle Ciofani

Director of Data Strategy and Alliances, Broad Institute

Danielle is passionate about sharing data in healthcare. A data architect turned strategist, she leads Strategy and Partnerships for Broad Institute’s Data Sciences Platform team. She facilitates the creation of software, operating services, and collaborations that maximize impact of data science on the biomedical ecosystem.

Prior to working at Broad Institute, Danielle designed, built and grew the largest integrated real-world database of clinical and claims data for Optum (UnitedHealth Group). She has wide industry perspective from roles serving Provider, Payer and Life Sciences markets.

Danielle graduated with a Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA), beginning her career in interface and interoperability design for large provider health systems.

Khalid Shakir

Software Developer in the Data Sciences Platform

Khalid Shakir has contributed to a number of pipeline automation projects at the Broad Institute, including working in both the GATK and the Cromwell/WDL teams. His expertise covers both public and private cloud infrastructures, while optimizing analysis pipelines for heterogeneous compute environments. Inspired by the experience of working with other data scientists, Khalid is currently finishing a Master’s Degree with a concentration in Biotechnology.

Steve Huang

Computational Biologist, Data Sciences and Data Engineering department

Steve joined the DSDE methods team in Dec. 2015, working primarily on developing scalable algorithms for detecting and interpreting structural variants--including insertions, deletions, duplications, inversions, and complex variants involving all aforementioned types--from whole genome sequencing data in GATK-4. Along the way, he also provides volunteer services for htsjdk and Picard when feasible. Before joining the genomics community, Steve used to conduct research on inflation in early cosmology.










本文由 SEQ.CN 作者:陈初夏 发表,转载请注明来源!
